Friday, September 26, 2008

The Story of a Lifetime

It is time.

Thanks to all of you who have recently checked on my well-being, since my last posting in which I hinted at some big amazing news and then dropped off the face of the earth.

So now I've had time to process, rejoice, and reconnect my brain cells, (and catch up on several projects which I completely abandoned in the process) and I'm ready to share.

Here's the deal.

Three weeks ago tomorrow, I got a registered, certified, restricted delivery letter that I had to go pick up at the post office. It was just another Saturday and we were running errands before heading home to family dinner and movie night. The letter the clerk handed me was a plain white envelope with my name and address typed on it. The return address meant nothing to me, but the name on the return label niggled at the deep recesses of my mind as I opened the envelope. Here's the text of the letter:

Dear Kristen:

Thank you for taking a moment to read this note

I am trying to contact Kristen Paige Voss regarding a personal family matter. If you are Kristen, born March 10, 1968 in Los Angeles, California, I would appreciate hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

I can be reached at *** (phone, cell, email followed)

I very much look forward to hearing from you.

Very sincerely,

Marianne Merrill

And then something spoke to my heart and I knew exactly why that name was so familiar. It wasn't the one my mother had spoken of so many years ago, but it was close enough.

Did I mention I'm adopted?

I emailed the sender, telling her that I was indeed the person she was looking for and asking for more information about who she was. Although I thought I already knew.

And two days later, I learned I was right. I received the most beautiful email explaining to me who she was and telling me that she just needed to know I was okay.

My birth mother had found me.

It didn't take long until I was on the phone. I had to call her...a conversation needed to happen. Simply emailing back was not enough. I had questions and things to say, and I needed to talk to her in person. With David at my side, I took a deep breath and dialed the home number she'd listed in her letter.

I can't describe the myriad of emotions that ran through my soul as I was able to tell her in person...thank you. Thank you for making the choices so many years ago that allowed me to be born and raised in the Voss family. Thank you for loving me so much that you knew I needed to take a different journey in my life.

As I've gotten to know her a little more over the last three weeks, I know for sure that she would have taken great care of me. I know I would have been surrounded by a vital, loving family. But I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she made the right decision to place me in another family.

My parents are ecstatic. They've been able to tell her thank you themselves. My mom emailed her my whole life history and lots and lots of photos. I'm so grateful for their support and the way they raised me, with such love and respect for her and her choices.

So that's my story. There's lots more layers to it, but this gives you an idea of what I've been up to for the last couple of weeks. My family tree has another branch to it. Somewhere in the world, there are actually people who look like me.

Today Marianne celebrates her 60th birthday. Join me in wishing her well on this momentous occasion by posting a comment on this blog--she told me earlier today that I've made her a blogger since she's started checking up on me here, so I know she'll read this!

And let me say it again, but in front of friends and family--I'll shout it to the world!

Marianne, I've thanked God all my life for you. And I'm so eternally grateful that now I've been able to thank you in person. You have blessed my life in so many ways. You're an angel in my eyes.

Happy birthday, Marianne! Know that you are loved!


Kasey said...

Happy Birthday Marrianne! I saw Kristen two weeks ago tonight and she was grinning from ear to ear. I knew something was up. Then she told me her exciting news - that her birth mother had found her! I'm so happy that you two have been able to connect and are now able to get to know each other.

Kristen is such an amazing woman. She's one of the first people I met when I moved to this area 5 years ago. She is kind, generous, playful, thoughtful, and insanely talented! I've been blessed by her friendship and her family is dear to me. If you are anything like Kristen, I like you already!

The Rickard 5 said...

Happy Birthday and congratulations on finding one another. I saw Kristin last night and she was telling her story. She is so very happy to have this connection.

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday Marrianne! I am also a friend of Kristen's and am so happy for both of you. What an incredible sacrifice you made for her! It is such a beautiful gift for both of you to be reconnected at this point in your lives....that you can see the child you gave birth to - raise children. I am sure much peace has been brought to your life knowing she was raised with so much love in such a wonderful family. There were probably countless nights that you both laid awake wondering where each other was and what you were both doing It's a beautiful thing to know that you won't have to wonder any more and have been reconnected. Kristen was absolutely glowing the other night when I saw her at Enrichment meeting. I'm so happy for the peace that this has brought to both of you. So on your birthday when you are receiving gifts - remember the wonderful gift that you gave her and each of us. She is everything you could have hoped her to be. God bless!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, my sister Marianne!

Marianne, the joy that I feel is beyond words... you know that! Kristin, you do not even know the magnitude of the gift that you have given Marianne with the response of love and acceptance.
I thank you!! Your Aunt Penny.

Casey said...

Happy Birthday Marianne, from another of your sisters.
What a wonderful gift! Kristen, it is awesome that I have another neice out there! Thank you for your outreached arms that have helped to make my sister's dreams come true! You have helped make her life more complete. I would love to get to know you! Love, Your Aunt Casey :-)

banananutmeg said...

This is beautiful Kristen. Thank you so much for sharing this story with my mom the other day...she is still talking about it. We are both very touched.

Happy Birthday Marianne, you brought a beautiful daughter of God into this world and we are all so grateful to have her in our lives...I'm sure you will share that same gratitude the more you share with her.

Betsy in ar said...

Happy Belated Birthday Marianne.
Marianne, thank you so much for MY gift. The gift of Kristen's friendship. She is funny, talented, strong in her faith, loving, caring and the list can go on and on. Oh, and Amazing.
God bless you

Jen,Judd, and Brenton said...
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Jen,Judd, and Brenton said...

Happy Birthday Marianne! Im Kristen's niece and have enjoyed having her for an aunt! You and I have something in common as I too am a birth mother to a little boy who was adopted three years ago. It has been great having Kristen as I have been able to see how great of a life she has had, how much her parents loved her, and she has been able to give me great comfort during hard times. She is a great example of love and kindness!

--Kristen, I am excited to see all of you next week and of course show off Brenton! My flight gets in on the 13th at 2:10. Maybe that evening or the next we can do dinner. Obviously my schedule is open!!

The Graces said...

That is a beautiful story, Kristen! I'm glad I stopped by your blog today.

Happy birthday Marianne! We love your daughter!

Marianne said...

To everyone who posted here, thank you so very much for the birthday greetings. I'm overwhelmed by the unanimous acceptance of my presence in Kristen's life. It means so much to me.

To Kristen, you are so special and I couldn't have dreamed of the happiness you have brought me with your warmth and the love you’ve shown to me. The conversations we've had will take me all the way through the last day of my life! I love who you are and I'm so thankful to your parents for giving you so much love. I'm finding that your obvious happiness is spilling over into my life. I'm overcome with it every single day.

To my sisters, Penny and Casey, thank you for all of your love and support. I love you two dearly.

Sarah said...

Tag! You're it!

Casey said...

My heart is filled with so much happiness for you Kristen and Marianne, my sister! It is hard to catch my breath at times and the tears flood my eyes! I can hardly wait for the time you finally meet! God has truly blessed you both. Love, Casey



I happened upon your blog and found these lovely posts about your birthmother. You said it beautifully...your birthmother loved you enough to set you on the journey you were supposed to have. So many people just don't get that adoption plans are made of unselfish love. I am so glad you have made this connection and that your parents have been a part of the process. Your post made my heart warm on this cold icy night!