Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Freeloader No More

So I sometimes blurk on some of my friends' blogs just to listen to their very cool playlists. I admit it. I'm a freeloader. And proud of it. Music makes me very happy, and my blogging buddies have done a most excellent job of choosing wisely. I have discovered a few new artists I need to add to my collection...and I've found out just who sings a lot of the songs I've heard on the radio recently.

At least I musically blurked until now. Just a couple of hours ago, I discovered that I, too, could make a playlist. My very own. For free. And I don't have to own every album on it! (Okay, so I really do own about 98% of the albums I pulled from, no matter how old they are. No kidding. I'm a music savant. You should see my stacks of CDs.) Thanks to the beautiful people at playlist.com, I didn't have to download the CDs and wade through the technobabble to get it done.

So my current playlist is long, and it covers a few decades, and it's missing so many important works of pop, rock, and miscellaneous music that mean so much to me. But check it out over there in the right-hand column. I think it turned out very nicely. Find anything you like? Freeload away!

But if you should find me camped out on your blog, listening away, please indulge me. In the immortal words of Depeche Mode, I just can't get enough.

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