It's the sound of the ice cream truck coming down the street.
(WARNING! Personal soap box moment coming)...And it's playing "Turkey in the Straw." Really? Does every ice cream truck in the nation buy their soundtrack from the same music box on steroids? I'll give it one can be inside, at the back of the house, and hear him coming from two blocks away. There's no mistaking that sound...or the one that follows it: "MOOOOOMMMMM! The ice cream man is coming. PUH-LEEZE???" Hand it to those ice cream guys--they really know how to snag a child's attention.
Luckily, we live at the end of a long cul-de-sac so we can hear him coming and then we can capture him at our end of the road as he turns around...or we can chase him down the street if we didn't hear him coming fast enough.
We've heard him this year, but I've been too Grinchy to give in to $2 ice creams when I have a freezer full of perfectly good and tasty freezer pops, 100 for $3.99, thank you very much. But with Rebekah home on school intersession this week, a treat was in order. So the picture to the left was the scene two afternoons ago.
I had dragged her all over creation that day, so when she asked if she could buy an ice cream that afternoon, I felt a special treat was most definitely in order.
So she pulled up a chair and waited patiently for the ice cream truck. And waited. And waited. And for those of you who know Rebekah, this was a feat. But she picked a cushy chair.
When I finally complained that we were cooling the outside too (after taking several priceless photos, mind you), she moved her vigil outside.
But guess what? Our street wasn't on the agenda that day. Sad, sad Rebekah.
So today, she and some friends were playing with the hose in the backyard, and they heard their favorite summer tune...yep, the tinkling sounds of "Turkey in the Straw" wafting on the gentle breeze. They came screaming through the back
Probably scared the little guy to death. But I'll bet he's used to it.
Mission accomplished. A round of treats for the little squirts, and order was restored. I wish I'd had my camera to capture the chase scene. But I did get it in time to record the smiles and sticky faces of some of the successful hunters.
Ahh, the first expensive, pink and blue, bubble-gum flavored ice cream of the season.
Welcome, summer!
Parting question: Would someone please tell me why "Turkey in the Straw" is the American Idol winner of ice cream truck karoke machines? If you have a decent answer for this, I'll send you a buck to buy your own bubble-gum flavored concoction. Drippy popsicle stick included.
I remember spending HOURS waiting around for the ice cream man to come by. Ours played Home On the Range in plinky plunky music box music. SO annoying and it would get stuck in everyone's head.
Though ridiculously overpriced, I think my mom definitely still got her $2 worth, considering she gave us the money at the beginning of the day (after we'd "worked" for it, of course! smart lady) then sent us out in the yard to wait for him...knowing FULL well he wouldn't be by until 4pm. So outside we went, where we played and waited all day. $2 well spent on mom's part!
I love the picture of Rebekah waiting for the long lost ice-cream van. That expression says it all!
nice pics....!
Work From Home India
Hey Kristen, I keep looking at your blog hoping for an update. I miss your posts and looked forward to having a small glimpse into the Black family's life.
Hope all is well for all of you. Love and miss you all.
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