Monday, August 25, 2008


So I stopped by a crop at Signed Sealed Delivered late the other night to drop off something for a friend...little did I know that lurking in the aisles was another friend who cared about my online welfare.

And dang it, I got blog-busted.

(That's my terminology for when someone says "When are you going to update your blog?")

Good question.

We've had such a crazy, fun, unpredictable summer that I haven't taken the time to share my bounty of photos and memories. It's been bugging me that I've wanted to share the events and pictures that have cemented themselves in our family history and I haven't done it. I thought I'd fly under the radar for a bit while school got started. A couple of people have even tagged me lately. And I've written the posts in my head...

So now it's time for a mental dump. I'm going to back-date some of these posts so the dates match up with what we did. If you're interested, check out some of the posts immediately before this one.

And thank you, Sherry. The thoughts that have been running around my head for a while are pleased I'm letting them out. This one's for you!


Landlocked Shores said...

I have you on my Google Reader and sorta stalk you! Love it when you do post :)
PS - this is Nicki and I'm starting a new blog for swapping craft junk... just can't figure out how to let me post as my normal identity!

Jen Korando said...

Good to have you back in Blogville Kristin!!!!
See ya at school or SSD!