Thursday, February 14, 2008

Me and my Valentine

Yes, it's that one time of the year that David puts on his dancing shoes and boogies down with me. Must be the annual Elders' Quorum Valentine's Dinner Dance!

Good food, great friends, awesome music, and oh yeah, David's in charge AGAIN! (Which means I get to go early, cook a lot, and stay late to clean up too...)

But if it weren't for this annual event, I (along with many women in our ward) wouldn't get the chance to prove that yes, at one point in my life, I did learn how to ballroom dance. And I still remember how to shake my groove thing.

I'm glad you're my Valentine, David! U R 2 CUTE! I love you!

1 comment:

Kasey said...

This was such a fun party! Thanks for all of your (and David's) planning and hard work!