Sunday, March 9, 2008

Musings on the eve of turning 40

Yep, really. I have about 1 hour and 42 minutes to say I'm in my 30's. It's a little too late to accomplish all the things I thought I'd do by the time I was 40.

So in that train of thought, I've spent a little time in the last week thinking of all the things I really did want to do by the time I got to 40. And you know what? I can't really think of more than a couple of concrete things. Sad, but living proof that a dream not written down is only a wish. Maybe if I'd made that official list I would have actually done all those cool things...instead of being left with a bunch of wishes that never came true. Little too late for that, hey?

One thing I did have on that unwritten list...I thought I'd get to Europe by this point in my life. Ha! But I drove my best friend and her husband to the airport today, on their way to a romantic getaway in Spain. Does that count for something?

They say 40 is the new 30. Ya think? Or is it just a way for all the 40-somethings to make themselves feel better?

We'll see tomorrow. Maybe I'll wake up a new person. (Hey, for my birthday, can I have a new body? One that looks good and works right?)

And tomorrow, as I enter a whole new demographic, I'll make a list of things to do before I get to 50. (NO WAY! Did I just write that? That's the next milestone? Oh my word...)


Kasey said...

I agree. 40 really IS the new 30.

Happy Birthday!

Landlocked Shores said...

I had no idea!! Happy Birthday!!!! 40 is gonna rock!